Get to know Veronica Besch

The year was 2009 and I was returning from a long overdue vacation. I happened to be crossing the street and that’s when I saw her. This tall brown skin beauty with what was the most beautiful head of natural hair I’d ever seen. My first reaction was that I was imagining something and felt like my eyes were playing tricks on me. I felt compelled to stop her and I’m so glad I did! She shared with me that she was “natural” and I was completely lost. I didn’t understand what she meant and thankfully she explained it to me.

My mind was completely blown, I had so many questions. By the end of that encounter, I was on a mission to learn as much as I could about “being natural” and getting my hair to move in the way I had just seen. I was totally sold on the idea of “going natural” and exploring all that it had to offer.

Fast forward 1 year later and that excitement and enthusiasm I had at the onset of this mission had slowly slipped away. What I discovered was that caring for natural hair was hard and I needed help, lots of it! I had no idea what hair porosity, pH, or hair typing was or the impact it had on successfully managing kinky curly hair.

After four years of trial and error I finally reached a phase in my journey that forever changed how I viewed my hair care approach. I no longer thought of caring for my hair as a chore I disliked. I began to accept and care for it the way it needed to thrive and the results were amazing.

The struggle for me was definitely real and I wanted to help others to avoid the emotional pitfalls that comes with the challenges of caring for kinky curly hair. I am now at a stage where I have a much better understanding of what it takes to achieve a successful hairstyle every time. I honestly believe the hair code has been cracked and I want to share it with you!

My wash days are now wash hours, my twists out last for an entire 7 days, and my hair is the best it’s EVER been!

So if you find that you’re battling with how to take your curls to the next level, book your 1:1 curl coaching session to get started.

Hair care can be fun!